
Run a Node

Tutorials about running a node for Conflux network.

📄️ Node Types

In the Conflux Network, there are different types of nodes that you can run, each serving different purposes and having different requirements. There are 3 types of nodes: Archive Node, Full Node and Light Node. 三种类型的Conflux节点之间的差异在于其储存的数据量不同。 The Archive Node takes the most and the Light Node takes the least. Of course, more data consumes more hardware resources. In general, if you want to participate in mining, a fullnode will suffice . you need to run an archivenode if you want to use it as RPC service. The lightnode is mainly used as a wallet.

📄️ Downloading the Conflux Client

Conflux-rust is a high-performance implementation of the Conflux protocol developed by the foundation with the Rust language. Conflux-rust is a Conflux node that connects to other nodes on the Conflux network and provides an RPC interface that you can use to query and interact with the blockchain. It is also a command-line tool that manages local accounts and conducts RPC interaction with nodes. You can download the released package through any of the ways listed: